
Inaugural event of the course ‘Interventions on existing buildings’

Inaugural event of the course ‘Interventions on existing buildings’, which took place in the building
refurbished by Cruz y Ortiz of the Banco Santander (former Mercantil). This three-day forum, sponsored by the Banco Santander Foundation and directed by the architect Antonio Ortiz, focuses on the debate on architecture,
specifically on interventions and restorations of existing buildings.
The forum is developed around the challenges and sensitivities involved in these interventions, especially with the support of local examples such as the rehabilitation of the building in Hernán Cortés and the future intervention in Faro Santander, directed by the architect David Chipperfield.
Participants in this course include leading architectural figures such as Rafael Moneo, Kees Kaan and other architects. After the inauguration, there was a guided tour of the building refurbished by Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, and it was announced that Ana Botín, president of Banco Santander, will close the
event at the Palacio de La Magdalena.

In the picture: Antonio Ortiz, Rafael Moneo, and David Chipperfield, yesterday at the Banco de Santander headquarters refurbished by Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos.
Photograph Alberto Aja / Diario Montañés.

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