Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos monographic Exhibition ‘Architektur der Synthese’ at AEDES, Berlín


Saying that the architecture is related with others fields is completely evident and sure. Other visual arts, building technics, urban problems or environmental, social conflicts and economic circumstances come together in a point of convergence in architecture, the architect is always obliged to evaluate the impact of each of these variables until the final product. This mediated character, which constitutes the main characteristic of architecture, is the origin of many of its problems. Many times, one of the aspects cited appears oversized and it isn’t uncommon to find architectures that privilege some of the points of the spectrum. To mention only a few, the history of the place, the technical or structural aspects, the assimilation to the urban and the landscape have almost monopolized in different periods much of the architectural production during our career as architects. However, it is our conviction that architecture only reaches its best moments when its synthetic character prevails: success would be guaranteed by the coincidence between form, construction and use, that is, it would be, through the exact synthesis of all other disciplines, finally to achieve a different and independent reality. For us as architects, achieving that unit value has always been our main ambition as a result of our respect for the integrative and synthetic capacity of architecture. The majority of our projects consist in the pursuit of that moment in which confusion and ambiguity are left out and the solutions seem as inevitable as they are elegant. It would be our desire that this purpose be revealed of the documents included in this exhibition and we would be very pleased that it was understood by the visitors to it.


Client: AEDES, Arkitekturforum
Address: Rosenthaler Straße, 40-41. D-10178 Berlín, Alemania
Typology: Exhibitions
Status: Built


Design of project: 2002
Construction: 2002
Implementation: 2002

Solar: : 205 m2
Main building: 163 m2
Total: 163 m2


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


María Arboledas Cique


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos

Lightning design:

Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


Jacinto Gómez, Jorge Queipo, Juan de Dios, Luis Montiel


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos


Bilkdpunkt, Hans Jürgen Commerell, Kristin Feireiss, Medialis, Siegmar Hiller, Sophie Bleifus
